
Keel's Simple (and utterly perfect) Diary

A little gift a friend gave me not long ago: Keel's Simple Diary

I won't bore you with my own write up - I'll just share some of it's greatness with you, direct from the Simple Diary itself. My Simple Diary is of the red variety. I can't reveal my contents of this private book, but I can say that choosing red says that I might need:

1) no medication
2) a nice comedy
3) the business
4) a pear, a lemon, and a leaf
5) friends with ...ummm.. guts (edited for young readers)
6) perfect pasta
7) visit Mount Josephine
8) a decoder ring
9) crack of the whip
10) an empty living room

You go ahead and analyze that as you will, I didn't write it - I simply circled what applied.

Something to think about:

Your day was? (only choose one)

(a) a treadmill (b) tumbled (c) a train of thought

A quote in closing from Keel: all people are a person

This is the best diary... EVER! And I'm not a diary girl, believe it or not.