
fizzgig | for the love of one rabbit

The things our children can talk us into. Meet Fizzgig, Olivia's rabbit. Little Middle Livy has been searching for that special spot in life all her own, and it appears she's found it. Somehow we ended up with an animal lover. Don't read that as if to say that Steve and I are not. But there are certain people in this world who are simply drawn to animals - or, rather, animals are drawn to them. Livy is such a person and it truly makes my heart melt. We tried dance. She'll do it, but she would be just as happy reading a book or drawing another fascinating rendition of the human eye. We tried swimming. To say that was a disaster would be putting it gently. We tried music. She was all about the ukelele...and then the music teacher had to cancel the class. What to do for a 9 year old girl in this tiny rural town? Aha! 4H! And so it began. The researching, the looking, the learning, the meetings...and then... the rabbit. I've (we've) learned much in these past couple months. We learned that to call a rabbit a bunny is an insult, to the bunny...er, rabbit. We learned what vents are and how to clean them. Ew. I'll leave that to Livy. We learned about rabbit breeds. I guess rabbit breeds go beyond 'jackrabbit' and 'bunny'. Hmmm? And we waited. And waited. And waited some more. Livy knew she wanted to save her money for little Fizz once she met his father - another Lionhead rabbit. She waited so patiently; I didn't know a girl her age had it in her. Without further ado: Fizzgig. The Lionhead RABBIT who is now a part of our ever growing and quirky pet family. He's got a wild head of hair and is a complete snuggler - well, with Livy, at least. As for his name? Well, if you've ever seen "The Dark Crystal" you may remember Fizzgig. Quite a likeness, don't you think? The original Fizzgig: