
Livy | adventures in hair styling...er cutting

Well, it went a little something like this: I thought it would be a good idea to give Drew a hair cut. All went fairly well with that. He does resemble a cue ball right now, but this too shall pass. As Livy watched me shave Drew's hair from his head she exclaimed, "I want a haircut!" I reminded her of what happened the last time I cut her hair. (For those new to the scene, she was three, she is now seven, and she's been growing it out since.) Needless to say, although it was my dream to be a beautician when I was twelve, it's best that I let that one go. Perhaps I should thank my father who suggested I go to college and then make larger life decisions once I had created a safety net. A smart man, that one. Maybe he saw the damage I'd done to my Barbies and knew there truly wasn't any hope for me in that arena.

With a little convincing from Livy, I decided it wouldn't hurt to look at some hairstyles on the internet. I could at least see what she'd like in terms of a haircut, if I decided to give it one more try. She found some really cute bob type styles and I figured there might be a youtube video on how to cut a bob. There were! Yay! Or not. So I carefully watched the video, took some mental notes, and decided I could do this. Sure I could!

Well... let's just say that I did try. I carefully sectioned her hair. I carefully took my scissors to her lovely blonde locks. I carefully snipped and snipped away, one small section at a time. Oddly, every time I went through to comb it, the line was crooked. What do you do with a crooked line but straighten it...by cutting more hair off? Right? Who wouldn't? And so I did. Again. And again. Until suddenly, I released her hair from the clips, combed through, and let out a gasp of horror. What had I done!? Somewhere between Liv's bright idea of having me cut her hair and my youtube education, something went awry. Very awry. That video was 3 minutes and 12 seconds, surely enough time for me to figure out how to give her a bob!? What happened?

I won't relay the exact words from the text message I sent to my good friend, and hairstylist... all I will say is that she is a saint. She came flying over to my house (really, she should have been wearing a cape like that of a superhero) and saved my poor blonde little babe...and suggested that I stick with photography. I think she may have also made fun of my hair styling kit, somewhere in there.

Interspersed is the photo shoot that Liv insisted upon having. A photo shoot I can do! I think she looks adorable. Really, I kind of did her a favor. She couldn't be any cuter if you ask me.