
cheers 2013 | to finding a laughing place

"Course you got a Laughing Place. Everybody's got one. The trouble is, most folks won't take the time to go look for it."

- Uncle Remus from Song of the South

We're happy here. It makes me smile to type that. I think we've found our laughing place, at least our for now laughing place. We had a few tough spots leading up to this big move and I'd be full of it if I didn't say that I felt a little bit like Br'er Rabbit when it came to moving out of the country.

Br'er Rabbit: I ain't gonna be here. I'm gonna leave this ol' place.
Uncle Remus: You mean you's leavin' your old Briar Patch?
Br'er Rabbit: That I is.
Uncle Remus: The place where you was born and raised?
Br'er Rabbit: That I is.
Uncle Remus: You mean you's leavin' for good?
Br'er Rabbit: That ol' Briar Patch ain't brought me nothin' but trouble...
Br'er Rabbit: And more trouble. This is where my trouble is and this is the place I belongs away from.
Uncle Remus: Don't you know you can't run away from trouble?
Br'er Rabbit: Where I'm goin', there ain't gonna be no trouble.
Uncle Remus: There ain't no place that far.
Br'er Rabbit: Well... just the same I done made up my mind. And I never comin' back again

Of course we'll come back again - I won't quote the whole movie, but we all know where Br'er Rabbit ends up, right back in the Briar Patch. Let's just hope we don't run into a fox while we're on our journey.

All this to say - we really do love it here! In a world that has so much negative in the news feeds of life, here's a small dose of positive.

And just because I haven't tortured you with my sap enough lately... I really, truly do want to thank all of you who gave us the courage and support to search for this laughing place. To those who kept us laughing while we were being poked by the thorns in that old Briar Patch, to those we've met here who make it feel like home. Not even home away from home, but for real home. We've got a pretty awesome group of people we get to call our friends and we got stuck with a pretty amazing family. Ha! Love to all of you!